
Most of me - skills, experiences and more

Hi there, just call me Zelic although I have a long real name in Vietnamese :vietnam:.

I put on this nickname by the age of 15 (teenager :baby: stuff, huh?). This nickname has been following me 16 years since then. I’m currently a software developer in Vietnam.

Thoughout my career, I always try to learn new things, and not just limited to computer stuff. You can refer to the below lists.

For programming languages, I know:

  1. Java
  2. Kotlin
  3. Swift
  4. Objective-C
  5. Python
  6. Ruby
  7. Javascript
  8. Go

These are my most used languages. Of course there are more to list, but I’m afraid they are not quite practical.

Other technical terms you might feel familiar include:

  1. Ruby on Rails
  2. Android
  3. iOS
  4. PostgreSQL
  5. MongoDB
  6. Redis
  7. Unit Testing

I also have some “minor” skills:

  1. Sketch
  2. Photoshop
  3. Illustrator

That’s all I can remember for now. I might update this list regularly (or not). Cheers! :relaxed: