I'm Zelic

Welcome to my humble blog

Fast track iOS

Everytime I’m back to create new thing with iOS, it’s quite tough to search for a set of necessary libraries. I’m too lazy for that, so in this post I will try to cover my basic setup that I would use for all of my iOS apps.

Fast track NodeJS

In this post, let’s start very quickly on a NodeJS project. Of course we will have enough functionalities to work: express, log, jwt, database, …

Fast track React

In this post, I will show you the fast way to fire up an React app. Of course, we will use CRA, several awesome libraries such as redux-toolkit, react-redux, axios and so.

Set up RSpec to save you time

As developers, we have to resolve bugs in our software. And the sooner we find them out, the better our lives are.

Welcome to my blog

For such a long time, I haven’t written anything meaningful. This is not a good sign.